Friday, May 15, 2009

Finally, the day has come :D

If you don't understand or can't listen to what are they saying, here's their conversation to make things easier :

Derek : Do you have a piece of paper?
Meredith : For what?
Derek : I wanna be with you forever, and you wanna be with me forever. In order to do that we need to make vows. A commitment. A contract. Give me a piece of paper.
Meredith : I don't! I... I... I don't. I have Post-Its!
Derek : Okay. What do we wanna promise each other?
Meredith : That you'll love me... even when you hate me.
Derek : To love each other, even when we hate each other. (writes it down) No running. Ever! Nobody walks out. No matter what happens.
Meredith : No running.
: (writes it down) What else?
Meredith : That we'll take care of each other, even when we're old, and smelly, and senile. And... if I get Alzheimer's and forget you...
Derek : I will remind you who I am, every day. To take care when old, senile, and smelly. This is forever. (signs it) Sign.
Meredith : This is our wedding. A Post-It? (smiles)
Derek : Mmm. If you sign it.
Meredith : (signs it) Now what?
Derek : Now I kiss the bride. (They kiss)
Meredith : Married.
Derek : Married.
Derek : (sticks the paper on Meredith's locker) See this? Anytime.

Sweetest wedding ever :D I wish I would marry someone like Derek Shepherd. He's like the sweetest thing ever. Too bad the characters Izzie and George died. Hope Season 6 would bring joy. I hope they didn't really die. Hope they'll come back from the dead. The doctors - Save them please.. Anyways, back to the post-its wedding. Sweet right? If I marry someone like him ... Wow ... Wait ... There's a question ... Is there any guys out there like him? As sweet, charming, hot like him? Besides Hugh Jackman - Sexiest man on Earth. Oh crap, I mean Derek Shepherd the character in Grey's Anatomy. Wow ... Meredith Grey's the luckiest person ever. Please watch the video.
Cheers :D

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