Thursday, April 30, 2009
Curse the freaking swine flu virus that had killed hundreds of people. Soon, it'll attack the whole world. Your just a friggin' virus. Why do you want to kill us? You think you could take over the world? And become the next president of the United States of America? Or maybe, the prime minister of Malaysia? No way man. No friggin' way. We're humans. Yes, I do know that no humans are immortal, but why wanna kill us off like that? And for those humans who're killing the pigs, why do you want to kill them? I was borned in the year of the pig you know. By doing this, you think you can save your own life? Fucking selfish people. How are you 100% sure that it's from the pigs huh? Leave a comment in my blog as a proof then. Tell the whole world how mean you are. Stupid, mean, fucking useless people. Swine flu sucks!! Let us die naturally rather than getting attacked by this virus and spread it to all the people in hell or heaven. Why not do it the natural way? Wear a mask, wash your hands with Detol soap when you come back to your house and get a flu vaccine. Wouldn't it be better than sloughtering the pigs? Pick your choice. Don't always choose the easy way to get out of stuff. I hope the swine flu won't attack Malaysia. I'm not being selfish okay? I wish it didn't had to exist too!! This flu is like so silent like how a cancer grows. Okay, if this swine flu wanna attack all human beings .. LETS ALL COMMIT SUICIDE AND LET THE SWINE FLU RULE THE WORLD!!! My friggin' ass would do that LAAA. We'll fight you as we're stronger than you *smiles*.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
This scene is so cute :)
Richard: I hear congratulations are in order
Meredith: What?
Richard: The engagement. Our very own Seattle Grace wedding. I couldn't be happier for the both of you.
Meredith: Thank you Sir. Did you have an assignment for me?
Richard: Dresses.
Meredith: I'm sorry?
Richard: Stevens has transformed her room into a bridal boutique. So go, try on dresses. That's an order.
Derek: I didn't think you wanted to wear a wedding dress?
Meredith: I don't! How does he even know we're engaged?
Derek: Richard's my friend. He's not the one that ordered the dress. If you don't wanna wear a wedding dress, talk to Izzie.
Meredith: Oh yeah! As the chemo drips into her cancery arm. And she looks at me with those cancery eyes. Those cancery wedding loving eyes!
Derek: Be strong.
Meredith: We will have brides maids in pink taffeta! And you will be wearing a top hat and a morning coat! And somebody will be singing wind beneath my fricking wings!
Derek: You want me to talk to her?
(Der talks to Izzie, Mer waits outside. Izzie is crying)
Izzie: Okay, I'm really glad we talked.
(Der leaves her room)
Derek: Apparently a morning coat is non-negotiable. Also, we have to make time for ballroom dancing lessons.
(Mer looks at Der, totally freaked. Der walks away dumbfounded)
Friday, April 24, 2009

So, this is a picture of me and my guitar which is like 6 years old, I think? I know it's really old and it sucks because the tuning is all out. HAHAHAHA. Don't bother to do anything about it. I'm currently trying to learn by myself how to play a guitar. Got that inspiration from The Beatles, Lifehouse, The Bee Gees and other bands. I had a tutor before but he didn't allow me to learn how to play a guitar because my fingers WERE too tiny but I got to learn how to play the drums :D I was playing the drums for about 6 years and stopped this year because I am too lazy, I think? Well, I wanna play guitar. Why must my fingers be too tiny before? CRYING OUT LOUD! I wish I could hire Barry Gibb to teach me how to play a friggin' guitar. DESPERATE HERE ALRIGHT. Don't know who's Barry Gibb? Scroll down and see the Bee Gees videos. The one playing the guitar. I can swear he's really good! :D I wish I can hire him, hahaha. Oh well, I think I'll just learn it by myself by looking at the tabs. Oh wait! I can't even read a single tab! I'M SO COOL RIGHT? HAHAHAHAHHA. No, I suck BIG TIME. Uhhh .. Whatever. I will never give up :) *ngeeess.
Little Things :)


Retarded right? I know..
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Bee Gees - New York Mining Disaster & Holiday
Love Maurice Gibb in this video. If you even know who is Maurice Gibb. Love Robin's accent here :P
Friday, April 17, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
During lunch break, all students were preparing for the coco games. Mr. Prakash walked in the class to give some students a so-called consoling(how to spell?)..
Mr. Prakash walks in KBSM 2.. "What are you doing here teacher? What are doing in our class now?" asked Pui Teng innocently. Mr. Prakash stopped and turn to look at her, "Because I'm not there." answered Mr. Prakash sarcastically.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Phantom Of The Opera @ ACS

A good show always bring fond memories. You guys should've bought the ticket and come.